Meet the Telavoxer: Our inspiring sales leader Gabriel Abou Khalil
Gabriel has worked at Telavox since August 2021 and leads the Direct Sales team in Stockholm. He's been in the industry for many years, and to join Telavox was a decision he took with both brain and heart. Gabriel knew about Telavox products after many years in the business and got a positive impression from all the engaged people he met during the recruitment process. This is still what he appreciated most about working here: All the engaged people, no matter what department or team they belong to. Gabriel is not alone in that opinion. As Telavoxers tell in employee surveys, great colleagues are the number one reason for being a part of Telavox.

Gabriel is one of the great people making Telavox a great place to be. We are soo happy he chose to join Telavox. He and the team do a fantastic job in getting more companies to understand the value of Telavox. This post lets you know Gabriel and his team are doing better!
Hey Gabriel! First off, who are you?
Hi, I’m a salesperson to my core, and I have great respect for the craft. Privately I have a wide array of interests, from sports (mainly MMA) to reading about history and other interesting subjects. Recently I’ve studied the art of cooking food for dogs since mine has a very picky palate.
Tell us about your team. What do they do?
I lead two groups of seven people; we work together but operate in different segments: SME (20 - 70 users) and MidMarket (70 - 350 users). We work as detectives trying to find potential customers, investigating their company and market. We contact them through phone, mail, or LinkedIn. We meet them digitally or in person during the sales process.
We apply a value-based sales methodology, meaning we always try to find what values Telavox can bring to this potential customer. This way of working requires a lot of research to understand their problems. We listen 80% of the time and talk 20% of the time. After listening in to the customer, we tell them about Telavox and our product and can tell how we can help them cut costs or improve their business. We create as many relationships as possible with the IT manager, CIO, CFO, Customer Support Manager, receptionists, customer support team members, etc. The end goal is, of course, to close the deals. The sales process is often between 3 to 6 months but can be shorter and longer. Our team sells to customers between 20 to 350 users.
In 2023, I look forward to continuing to build the team: Creating more roles and career paths and growing together.
What does it take to be a part of your team?
I hire for attitude and train for skills. The qualities important for this team are endurance, curiosity, and a passion for complex sales. I got both junior and senior roles in my team. It's great with a background in sales and experience from B2B sales within our industry or in other sales experience.
Tell us about your leadership.
I always want to ensure that everyone understands why we are doing things.
Salespeople constantly challenge me, and I love it; that requires me always to do my best. My goal is that my team members always understand the why behind decisions and ways of working. We should all buy into the same story.
My leadership values are honesty, respect, and trust. I want us to be honest with each other, to be able to talk about deep things, and know our needs as a team. Respect is for me to show up on time and respect others' time and efforts. Finally, trust is for me, not to micro-manage the team: I fully trust them.
Another important thing for me in terms of leadership is still being into sales myself: I cold call, close deals, and use HubSpot the same way I want my team to do.

What's your best Telavox memory so far?
The kickoff was great. It was fun to meet everyone in person. We got a great load of inspiration when we showed future features. Exciting times are ahead!
Gabriel does his job well. For example, when writing this in February 2023, his team scored the highest possible on the statements "I feel a sense of belonging at work" and "Right now, I feel happy about my job." That is wow!
Do you want to be a part of Gabriel's team? Connect to get updates when we open up new positions or check out the open sales positions directly.